This Blog is dedicated to short articles, videos and links on and by Sondra Ray and Markus Ray that spread their teachings on relationships, healing, spirituality, art, and the use of conscious breathing as tools for inner transformation. They present new practices and life styles that can help you experience the freedom and joy of living in your full potential.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
South America & Mexico
The Andes Range surrounds Santiago
During the week we spent in Santiago, Chile, with our students of Liberation Breathing®, we had the backdrop of the majestic Andes supporting the event and our presence in this remarkable section of the Andes Range. The city is surrounded my these majestic sentinels, and the clear winter atmosphere allowed us to be aware of them on a daily basis. As you can see, many people in South America would come here in the winter for July is the middle of winter here in the southern hemisphere! We stayed in the home of our organizers, Paula Estevez and Juan Somavia...and experienced hospitality that was exceptional and warm.
Juan, Mark, Paula and Sondra in the care of Amachi
Paula and Juan lead professional lives as well as being passionate about Liberation Breathing® from the Divine Mother. Paula, an engineer, is helping the planet liberate itself from fossil fuels by creating wind power in Chile. She is a project manager for a Danish company that is building "wind parks" to generate electricity. Juan has a background in the diplomatic service of Chile, and currently is an "ambassador" for the exceptional wine industry of Chile, helping to promote its fine grape products worldwide.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Iceland in July
I find very, very few things as powerful for people as taking them to India. But this ranks right up there with the amazing changes that can be had...especially in the Blue Lagoon. It is the biggest geothermal mineral bath I know of in the world.... and the strongest. The steamy waters are part of an underground lava formation. I have been in alot of mineral baths, but nothing with healing power such as this. The temperature of the water is about 98 to l04 degrees F. The place is known for positive effects on the skin and many people have been healed of psoriasis there. The water in the Blue Lagoon is totally renewed every two days I think.
We began each morning with the reciting of the l08 names of the Divine Mother in unison. Then we meditated on the physical immortality mantra, or else Om Namaha Shivay. After that people interviewed their buddy for the day and then we hit the lagoon. On one day the group took to sightseeing. We also saw films of the volcanic activity by a local Icelandic film maker. About 79% of Iceland's land is of RECENT volcanic origin, consisting of glaciers, lakes and mountainous lava deserts.
Friday, July 8, 2011
We were excited to come to Denmark as we had never been there before. We were very very curious why the Danes were studied to be the happiest people in the world. We really tried to figure that out. All I know is that we were very happy there ourselves and it might be due to the fact that the Danes really take care of each other. But a deeper reason might be because they get such a long free maternity leave. The babies then get a really happy start.
We were so well taken care of by Tove and her husband Rolf who prepared for us the most incredible meals. Everywhere we turned, the service was remarkable.