Friday, August 3, 2012

IMMORTAL RAY FILMS.....presents explosion of JOY!

Trailer first:

Then the Movie:


This is from Sondra's " Letters to the Staff" that she writes weekly to her organizers all around the world. At LiberationBreathing.Com we will begin to post some of these to the general public, especially the ones that have a wider message. Here is the first of many.....and also a link to a video on the fire ceremony that is one of the tools for ascension.


Click Here for Video 


Dear Friends and Staff,

Ascension is the transcendence of the 3rd dimensional conscious awareness; a process completed in the merging of the physical body with the higher dimensional body—the Christ body, the light body. It is a divine marriage! It is a leap from the 3rd dimensional reality to the 5th. You go beyond birth and death. Physical immortality is the first step, and then eventually comes dematerialization and re-materialization! Your biology actually ascends.

Almost all lightworkers, and many others, have been talking about ascension in 2012. The big date is December 21st,  when we are taking a group to Bali. You’re invited to join us. 

What is ascension? Ascension is rising to a higher level or degree of light. It is not an event, but a momentum, a gradual shift, initiated by ourselves. When we really relax and enjoy the journey, it is like opening the sun roof to more light. We have to become infinitely flexible in response to life and light. There is no room for death if we are saturated with life. Death is a hardening of ourselves to the natural flow of evolutionary change. It takes a tremendous expenditure of energy to keep the Infinite away, and this hastens the decay and eventual destruction of the body. 

What you do prior to ascension determines the opportunities which are available to you. In other words, you cannot ascend to higher levels if you retain emotional density (fear, guilt, anger). 

You don’t think your way to ascension. It is a very heart-centered path. You have a great many blessings and great liberation. Here is what raises your light: generosity / abundance / singing / laughter / being out in nature and in beauty / serenity / love / clarity / relaxation / hugging from the heart / meditation / joy / thinking well of others. 

